Sunday, February 6, 2011

Killing Us Softly

Week 3, February 7, 2011

Wow! So this week I viewed many different visually emotional films. Let's start with the video I watched in class titled "Killing Us Softly." I had many different thoughts and opinions on this video. It wasn't the first time I have viewed this video, yet each time I view it, I notice different things in it each time. This time, I noticed all of the "fine print" in each ad that was shown. Some of the magazine ads or commercials were RIDICULOUS! Ridiculous in a way that they were just downright degrading to women. Almost each ad portrayed a woman to be seen as a sex object or less than a human being. Women of color were objectified as animals and men were seen only in positive ads. The only concern I had with some of these ads is what was going through the women's minds when they posed for these ads or acted in these commercials. Did they not realize they were be objectified? Were they okay with this? They had to know in their contracts what was going to be displayed, and clearly they were perfectly okay with it. Which makes me wonder why I was making such a fuss about it, if they were fine with it?

This is one of the ads from the film. Crazy.

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